Posted On : February 27, 2021

Honors Students: Creating Your Own Bo 1 Step!

Just a reminder for our Honors Students that you’re creating your own Bo 1 Step in our “B” lessons. This will be an important part of earning your 2nd Achievement Stripe, and of your Promotion Exam in a few weeks.

Last week, you selected the attacks that you will defend against.

Your homework for the upcoming week (March 1) is to decide on the block or blocks you will use to defend against your chosen attacks. You’ll present these at your “B” Lesson this week.

We strongly recommend making a record of your work on this, so that you can remember it accurately, and you can work effectively at home as well.

Our students and families are doing this in two ways:

  1. Making written notes of what you create.
  2. Making a video recording of what you create using your phone.

We’ve made a good start together this past week in selecting the attacks. This coming week, after you demonstrate your defenses, we’ll take some time to start creating your counterattacks with your partner.

Our Black Belt students are also working on creating their own empty-hand 1 Step, and their 3 Jackie Chan Specials (Found Object Self-Defense).

Please contact our Senior Instructor, Mr. Booker, if you have any questions.

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