Our Juniors Karate Fundamentals course is designed to meet your child’s needs as a beginning karate student, introducing them to basic karate techniques, how classes work, and what it is to be a karate student. This course is most appropriate for your child if they are between the ages 6 and 8 years old. Our Junior Karate Fundamentals course builds on your child’s strong curiosity about the world, and natural love of being physically active. Highly energetic and very inquisitive, your child explores their world and expresses themselves through movement. Our Junior Karate Fundamentals course builds on this foundation, giving your child a constructive outlet for their overflowing energies of mind and body – and teaching your child to focus these on achieving definite goals.
Our Junior Karate Fundamentals course is structured so that your child will grow and develop in 6 critical areas as they study karate: Physical, Cognitive, Self-Defense, Social, Character, and Self-Confidence. Our instructors are personally committed to your child and family in every class session as they learn and grow. Your child’s karate instruction will help them thrive as they begin to discover, grow, and develop their unique personal potential in all 6 critical areas.
Physical: Empower your child with new skills and achievements, giving them successes that they can demonstrate for you, and that both of you can take pride in. Our Fundamentals course stimulates and guides your child’s growing physical abilities in the areas of balance, co-ordination, muscular control, and agility – using fun, basic, time-tested karate techniques.
Cognitive: Boost your child’s cognitive skills, as they begin to understand their world more and more in terms of sequences (1st, 2nd, and 3rd steps in a process), magnitudes (high, middle, low), and categories (blocks are different from kicks). Your child will expand and refine their skills in all of these important ways of understanding as part of the essential structure of every class. At the same time, our instructors will carefully guide your child to strengthen their listening skills and mental focus.
Self-Defense: Teach your child the basics of age-appropriate self-defense. At school, or on the playground, your child faces situations where boisterous play can turn rough, then aggressive – and even escalate into physical bullying or a fight. A determined bully can make school-time and playtime into intimidating, even emotionally scarring experiences for your child. In our karate classes, your child will begin to learn “School-smart” self-defense techniques for dealing with bullies and aggressive peers. We’ll instruct your child in a simple 3 step response: defend against the aggression, establish control of the situation, and exit safely – without letting the situation escalate into a fight.
Social: Encourage your child to reach out actively to form friendships with their peers. In karate classes, your child will participate in carefully supervised interactive training with a variety of partners, helping them learn to work co-operatively with others. We also host frequent “special events” at our karate school outside of our regular classes – Game Days, Movie Nights, Friendship Games, to name just a few. These are social events where your child can hang out and bond with their peers in a fun, more informal atmosphere, where they know people, and are comfortable and at ease with the surroundings
Character: Enrich your child’s experience of life with the study and practice of important qualities of personal character. In our karate classes, your child will be introduced to important character values such as Respect, Integrity, and Self-Discipline. We’ll use a format of definition, example, and discussion questions to help your child begin to understand and internalize fundamental concepts of personal character values. We’ll also work together on why these character values are so important, and how to practice them.
Self-Confidence: Grow your child’s self-confidence through positive interactions and achievements. Your child is beginning to construct their self-image during these years, making this a very important time indeed for both of you. Our karate classes will give them an empowering, supportive environment – tangible achievements, encouraging friends, supportive training partners, and instructors who set a strong, positive, caring example. Positive experiences, positive examples, positive achievements, all combine in our karate classes to give your child the strong, positive self-image that they need to thrive.
Our Juniors Karate Fundamentals course is a 9 month program of instruction for your child in the basics of karate. During this course of study, your child will have the opportunity to earn their first belt rank promotions in karate. Upon completion of this course, your child will earn our Certificate of Merit. While participating in this course of instruction, your child may also be considered for admission into the Juniors Division of our Honors Program in Martial Arts Studies.
Call us today at 865-688-0120 to get started with your 3 Lesson Introductory Course. Check out our Costs of Instruction.
Our Pre-Teen Karate Fundamentals course is designed to meet your pre-teen child’s needs as a beginning karate student, introducing them to basic karate techniques, how classes work, and what it is to be a karate student. This course is most appropriate for your child if they are between the ages 9 and 12 years old – the pre-teen years. Our Pre-Teen Karate Fundamentals course uses karate instruction to strengthen and enrich your child’s natural potentials, abilities, and gifts. On a physical level, our karate instruction stimulates and enhances your child’s natural growth and development. Even more significantly, your pre-teen’s understanding, problem solving, and social skills will be charging ahead at an almost breakneck pace during these years. Our dedicated instructors will carefully guide your child on a path of instruction where they will advance to new levels in all these areas. As a pre-teen, your child is now able to take real ownership of their karate instruction – to understand karate as a means of personal development as well as of self-defense. Our Pre-Teen Karate Fundamentals course encourages your child to begin willingly setting their own goals, and to accept responsibility for achieving them. Our karate classes will give your pre-teen an ideal way to try their wings – to experience success at first hand in setting goals and achieving them.
Our Pre-Teen Karate Fundamentals course is structured so that your child will grow and develop in 6 critical areas as they study karate: Physical, Cognitive, Self-Defense, Social, Character, and Self-Confidence. Our instructors are personally committed to your child and family in every class session as they learn and grow. Your pre-teen’s karate instruction will help them thrive as they begin to discover, grow, and develop their unique personal potential in all 6 critical areas.
Physical I: Build greater strength and endurance through a fun, engaging program of healthy physical exercise that your child will enjoy participating in. In our karate classes, your child will begin to build and consolidate the lifelong habit of healthy exercise, fitness, and wellness. Karate gives your pre-teen a physically healthy art that will grow and develop with them throughout life.
Physical II: Learn and master increasingly complex multi-skilled activities – extended series of quick, highly precise, and related movements. Your child’s co-ordination and manipulative skills are beginning to approach those of an adult – and we’ll extend and deepen these abilities as part of every karate class. Your pre-teen will work with a broad range of fundamental karate “skill-builder” sequences – both solo and with partners. Your pre-teen will learn these classic combinations of blocks, strikes and kicks – the fundamental building-blocks of the defensive art of karate.
Cognitive: Define and establish powerfully positive personal values. Your pre-teen has become more aware of character, personality, and intelligence as important qualities, and is beginning to assess and compare both themselves and their peers in these terms. Our instructors will empower your child with the positive, pro-active personal values of karate. They’ll guide your pre-teen to see and understand the positives in themselves and their peers – and focus on building on these positives to make them even stronger.
Self-Defense: Teach your pre-teen the basics of age-appropriate self-defense. At school, or on the playground, your pre-teen faces situations where boisterous play can turn rough, then aggressive — and even escalate into physical bullying or a fight. Statistically, your child is most likely to be bullied during their late elementary and middle school years. A determined bully can make school into an intimidating, even emotionally scarring experience for your pre-teen – and can seriously interfere with their education and achievement. Bullying can also significantly compromise your pre-teen’s social development – most particularly, their ability to form a strong network of supporting friendships. In our karate classes, your pre-teen will begin to learn “School-smart” self-defense techniques for dealing with bullies and aggressive peers. We’ll instruct your pre-teen in a simple 3 step response: defend against the aggression, establish control of the situation, and exit safely—without letting the situation escalate into a fight.
Social: Build positive, worthwhile relationships with their peers. At this age, your pre-teen’s peer group is becoming an important influence for them – so it is important to be selective about those peers, and not rely on “the luck of the draw”. In our karate classes, your pre-teen will interact with peers (and their families) who share a common commitment to building strong personal values, meaningful achievement, and thoroughly developing their individual potential. Your pre-teen will be in an environment where their chosen peer group will be a positive, worthwhile influence. We also have frequent “special events” at our karate school outside of our regular classes – Game Days, Movie Nights, Friendship Games, to name just a few. These are social events where your pre-teen can hang out and bond with their peers in a fun, more informal atmosphere –where they know people, and are comfortable and at ease with the surroundings.
Character: Enrich your pre-teen’s experience of life with the study and practice of important qualities of personal character. In our karate classes, your pre-teen will be introduced to – and familiarized with – important character values such as Respect, Integrity, and Self-Discipline. We’ll use a format of definition, example, and discussion questions to help your pre-teen comprehend and internalize fundamental concepts of personal character values. Our instructors will guide your pre-teen to actively participate in regular class discussions of character, to increase their understanding. We’ll also extend our discussions together on why these character values are so important, and how to practice them.
Self-Confidence: Dynamically boost your pre-teen’s self-confidence. Your pre-teen’s self-confidence grows out of their experience of mastery in karate – setting their heart and mind to achieving a new level in skill and understanding, a personal goal, and then accomplishing it. Our karate classes are a place of positives for your pre-teen – positive attitudes, positive actions, positive achievements. Your child’s faith and trust in their own worth and abilities – their self-confidence – will grow stronger and put down deeper roots through their experiences in karate.
Our Pre-Teen Karate Fundamentals course is a 9 month program of instruction for your child in the basics of karate. During this course of study, your pre-teen will have the opportunity to earn their first belt rank promotions in karate. Upon completion of this course, your child will earn our Certificate of Merit. While participating in this course of instruction, your child may also be considered for admission into the Pre-Teen Division of our Honors Program in Martial Arts Studies.
Call us today at 865-688-0120 to get started with your 3 Lesson Introductory Course. Check out our Costs of Instruction.
Sign up today for our 3 Lesson Introductory Course – get to know our school for yourself, and experience the fun, excitement, and personal benefits of karate at first hand. You and your family are welcome at our school.
3 Lesson Introductory CourseCopyright © Broadway Family Karate 2025 Design by The Visibility Method